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Does apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice help you lose weight?

Trying to lose weight can be an uphill battle that leaves you frustrated and powerless. We've all been there— months of heavy exercise, strict diets, and disappointing results. It's no wonder that many of us turn to natural remedies, hoping to speed up the progress.

There are many natural remedies, all claiming to be effective. Apple cider vinegar is particularly popular among these, and combining it with cranberry juice is said to be especially effective at boosting your metabolism

But is any of that true? Can apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice really boost jour metabolism and speed up weight loss?

Let’s separate fact from fiction and see what science has to say about apple cider vinegar, cranberry juice, and their impact on weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

Most of us probably know at least one person, who says apple cider vinegar helped him lose weight. Many people claim that apple cider vinegar helps their body dissolve fat, detox their liver, etc. 

There were a few studies that actually investigated the effectiveness of ACV for weight loss. Here is what they found:

  • The acetic acid, one of the main components in ACV, can help with the reduction of fat mass in obese people. At least, that is what a double-blind trial from 2009 says (1).

  • In the study, the 155 participants received a drink containing either placebo, 15 ml, or 30 ml of apple cider vinegar. After 12 weeks, the people who took apple cider vinegar had reduced body weight, lower BMI, waist circumference, less visceral fat, and lower serum triglyceride level

  • A later study from 2018 shows similar results (2). Here after taking 30 ml of apple cider vinegar for 12 weeks, the participants had reduced body weight, BMI, lower cholesterol, and a reduced appetite.

  • The ability of apple cider vinegar to reduce appetite, has also been shown in other studies (3).

What this tells us, is that apple cider vinegar may help reduce appetite and burn fat more easily. But the mechanisms, how this happens on a cellular level, are still mostly unclear.

Also, the studies cited above are relatively small. Much larger clinical trials are necessary, if we want to confirm these effects on weight loss. 

Moreover, drinking apple cider vinegar is not harmless (see below).

Cranberry juice for weight loss

Cranberry juice is well-known for its beneficial effect on urinary tract health, but its impact on weight loss is not well researched.

The truth is, there is very little scientific evidence to support claims that cranberry juice could help with weight loss. But here is evidence we do have:

Cranberry could help lower insulin levels in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (4). 

  • The 41 participants in the study all had to follow a weight loss diet, but those who received cranberry extract in addition to their diet, had significantly lower insulin levels after 12 weeks.

  • Since insulin regulation is important when it comes to weight loss, this gives hope that cranberry juice could be good for people trying to lose weight.

A recent animal study shows that whether cranberry extract helps with weight loss or not, mostly depends on the genetic background (5). So it is likely that different people will respond differently.

So the evidence that cranberry juice could help support weight loss is very thin, and it is not enough to conclude anything. But don’t forget that cranberry juice may have other health benefits as well.

Why combine apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice?

Apple cider vinegar is very acidic, it could burn the inside of your mouth and oesophagus. Because of this, it is generally recommended to dilute it.

Most commonly, people dilute it in water, but that is unpleasant to drink and can cause nausea. 

So to enhance the taste, avoid nausea, promote the feeling of fullness, and exploit other health benefits cranberry juice has to offer, people often combine apple cider vinegar with cranberry juice.

How to make apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice for weight loss

Now that you know more about apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice for weight loss, maybe you want to try and see if it it works for you.

This is the recipe to make it:


  • 1/8 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice

  • 3/4 cup of (sparkling) water

  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) apple cider vinegar

  • raspberries or other berries (optional)

How to prepare

Combine the liquid ingredients in a cup and stir well. 

If the juice is too acidic for your taste and you need some sweetener, you can add strawberry, raspberry juice, or even honey. Just keep in mind that this adds sugar and calories to your drink as well.

Is apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice safe? 

Before you start taking this beverage, make sure you are aware of the potential adverse effects it may have. Drinking apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice does hold some dangers. 

Because of its acid content, apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice can cause some side effects, including:  

  • acid reflux

  • irritated gums

  • irritated lips

  • unusual taste in mouth

  • sore throat

  • tooth erosion

  • low potassium levels

  • indigestion

  • delayed stomach emptying

  • throat burns

  • bone loss

In addition to that, cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar can also cause (6):

  • diarrhoea

  • upset stomach

  • hypotension

  • fatigue

  • fluctuations in blood sugar levels


If you are sensitive to some of the allergens present in apple cider vinegar or cranberries, you might experience additional side effects (7). These side effects include: 

  • asthma

  • swelling

  • itching

  • hives

  • food intolerance symptoms

Immediately discontinue the use of apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice if you notice any side effects and consult with your healthcare provider.


Apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice may interact with some drugs. These drug interactions include:

  • Warfarin and other blood thinners (8)

  • Diabetes medication

  • Digoxin (Lanoxin)

  • Diuretic drugs

Tips for safe consumption

  • In order to protect your teeth, consider drinking the juice through a straw.

  • Do not consume more than 30 ml (2 tbsp) of apple cider vinegar per day.

  • Rinse your mouth after drinking vinegar with cranberry juice. This is to help protect your tooth enamel.

  • Avoid vinegar if you have acid reflux or other related health problems, or if you are on diabetes medications.

  • Also avoid if you have low potassium levels.

  • Avoid if you are taking any medications that could interact with cranberry juice or vinegar.

When to drink cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar?

There is one main rule when it comes to when you can drink apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice - do not drink it before bed. Acidic foods can cause acid reflux, especially if you take them before you lay down. 

Generally speaking, people like to take this beverage right before a meal, to reduce their appetite. But it is okay to drink it during, or after the meal.

What is the ratio of apple cider vinegar to cranberry juice for weight loss?

There is no optimal ratio. Generally speaking, the studies that investigated the potential of apple cider vinegar for weight loss, used between 15 - 30 ml (1-2 tbsp) of vinegar per day. 

Generally 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar is diluted in approximately 1 cup of liquid - in this case 1/8 cup of cranberry juice, and 3/4 cup of (sparkling) water. 

This seems to be the dose that many people take, but there is no scientific evidence to support this exact ratio.

More apple cider vinegar drink recipes

Wrap up

  • Consuming apple cider vinegar may help with weight loss and suppress appetite. 

  • This effect can be particularly beneficial for those struggling to control the size of their portions and frequent snacking.

  • Keep in mind, this is not a magic bullet and there is no guarantee that it will work for you.

  • Consuming vinegar and cranberry juice is not safe for everyone.

  • Do not overdose, a high consumption of vinegar could have many negative side effects, including throat burns.