10 proven ways to get rid of bags under your eyes

Sometimes it feels like an impossible task. But don’t lose hope! Getting rid of the bags under your eyes is within your reach. And you really don’t need expensive creams to achieve that. Here’s how to do it:

1. Eat less salt

We eat too much salt. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 90% of Americans consume too much sodium. [1] If you do that, your body might start to hold too much water. [2] This can lead to swelling and cause under eye bags. As an added benefit, reducing your sodium intake to healthy levels aids your cardiovascular health. [1]

2. Cold compresses

This should have immediate effect. Brew some green tea. Take the teabags and place them in the fridge for a few minutes to cool down. Then put them under your eyes as a compress for about 10 minutes. You can do this every morning. The teabags should be cool, but not freezing or too cold! If you decide to experiment with this, for example by using some herbal teas, make sure you do your research first, because some herbs might have an unwanted effect.

3. Sleep on your back

If you sleep on your stomach or your side, this may help the accumulation of fluids under your eyes. Try to sleep on your back with your head a little slightly raised. This should allow the fluids to drain back. Also make sure you get your 8 hours of sleep!

4. Manage your allergies

Allergies, and the inflammation and congestion that comes with them, can cause eye bags. [3] You could have a seasonal or a dust mite allergy. Or in some rare cases you might even be allergic to the feathers in your pillow. All of these can make your eye bags worse. Only a doctor can say for sure if you are allergic or not. Make sure to check with your healthcare provider and if you have an allergy ask what you can do to manage the inflammation.

5. Do not go to bed with eye makeup

Some of the ingredients in your makeup could cause irritation and inflammation around your eyes. Especially when left there for a long period of time. In addition, dust and other allergens can stick to your makeup and accumulate during the day. Make sure to wash off your makeup with a gentle cleanser, before going to bed.

6. Stop rubbing your eyes

Rubbing your eyes can irritate them and cause puffiness. And keep in mind, when you are removing your eye makeup, it is easy to rub too much around your eyes. So make sure to be extra careful when you do this.

7. Protect your eyes from the sun

Sunscreen and sunglasses. Your best friends when it comes to protecting the youthfulness of your skin and eyes. UV radiation from the sun causes ageing of your skin. It causes it to loose elasticity and so contributes to the eye bag problem.

8. Apply eye cream correctly

It is easy to forget how delicate the skin around your eyes is. If you use eye creams, always be careful. Apply only a small amount of product and very gently tap, starting at the inner corner under your eye all the way to the outer corner. Make sure not to apply the product too close to your eyes, as that can cause irritation and burning, which could make your eye bags worse. Also make sure not to stretch the skin while applying the product. And last but not least, make sure to wash your hands before applying eye cream.

9. Drink less alcohol

Remember how puffy your eyes looked after your last hangover? Alcohol can cause dehydration, which means that you are losing more water than are bringing in through the alcoholic beverage. Since the skin around the eyes is very sensitive to dehydration, this could lead to puffiness. Make sure to drink enough water to hydrate your body. Ideally, also try to drink water while drinking the alcohol. Also alcohol could contribute to under eye bags by disturbing your sleep.

10. Check your eye cream ingredients

If you use an eye cream, check the ingredient list. Some ingredients might cause allergy or irritation to your skin. This is especially true for fragrances. Take a lot of care when choosing your eye cream and read the point above about how to apply it correctly. Ultimately using the wrong eye cream and not applying it the right way could do more harm than good.

Bonus tip 1: Check your health

In some cases, bags under the eyes can be a symptom of an underlying illness. Not only allergies, but also thyroid issues, kidney problems and a few other conditions can make under eye bags worse. So, talk to your doctor about it.

Bonus tip 2: Laser treatments

If you can afford it, you could try laser resurfacing. This could help stimulate the production of new collagen and make your skin firmer. Make sure to speak to your doctor about which particular treatments are applicable in your case and what results you can expect. If you choose to do this, always make sure to go to a professional, because laser treatments are not without risks!

Bonus tip 3: Sure you know this

Quit smoking. Smoking can affect the collagen in your skin and cause it to loose its elasticity over time. As you know, it does not only ruin your skin, but is also very bad for your health in general (not to mention your wallet). So if you can, try to quit smoking.

Bonus tip 4: Be happy!

Whenever you cry, the puffiness around your eyes only gets worse. If you suffer from depression or something else that is making you cry, try to seek help. Depression could be a symptom of vitamin D deficiency. [4] Also hormonal problems and many other issues can cause you to feel depressed. Depression is extremely common, so if you are suffering from this, remember you are not alone!


Remember that getting rid of the bags under your eyes is achievable. Quick fixes like cold compresses can be very effective in the short term. For the long term, you have to make sure you are healthy. Also don’t forget to stay away from processed foods with too much salt, and quit bad habits that make the problem worse. Finally, don’t forget that your sleep is important: how much you sleep and the quality of your sleep are critical for getting rid of the puffiness under your eyes.

Once again, here are the tips how to get rid of bags under your eyes:

  1. Eat less salt

  2. Apply cold compresses

  3. Sleep on your back

  4. Get enough sleep

  5. Manage your allergies

  6. Take off your eye makeup before bed

  7. Try not to rub your eyes

  8. Use sun protection before going outside

  9. Apply eye cream the right way

  10. Drink less alcohol

  11. Check the ingredient list of your eye cream before purchasing

  12. Make sure you are healthy

  13. Consider laser treatments

  14. Quit smoking

  15. and finally, be happy!


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