Does Lemon Water Really Help You Lose Weight?

Lemon water is likely not effective for weight loss. Not more effective than regular water, that is.

Proponents of lemon water claim that it can help detox your body, suppress appetite, and even burn belly fat. But there is almost no scientific evidence to support any of these claims.

Still, there are a few ways in which lemon water could very well help with weight loss. Here they are:

1. Makes water more enticing

For some people, adding a bit of lemon to regular water, can make all the difference. Suddenly the regular "boring" water has a taste and that makes it a lot easier to stay hydrated throughout the day, with all the added benefits of that.

2. Staying away from sugary drinks 

If you can substitute unhealthy, sugary drinks with lemon water, you are on the right path to lose that belly fat.

3. Stimulates digestion and reduces bloating

Many people find that a glass of warm lemon water in the morning really makes a difference for their digestion. This is very personal and everyone reacts differently, but if you are feeling bloated in the morning or have problems with constipation, sometimes warm lemon water can make a difference. But again, a regular glass of warm water or tea, would probably be just as effective, if not more.

4. Can help you eat less

Some people find that drinking lemon water before a meal can help them eat less, and by extension feel less bloated and lose weight. But again, drinking regular water likely does the same, so again no real need to add lemon.

My personal experience

My personal experience with drinking lemon water in the morning is the following:

1. It helps with digestion, but not enough.

Yes, a glass of lemon water in the morning did help speed up my metabolism, but a glass of warm water does basically the same, without damaging my teeth. Also, personally I think a glass of green tea in the morning is much more effective for speeding up my metabolism.

2. It made me hungry.

I am the type of person who usually does not eat breakfast in the morning - usually I am just not hungry. I found that drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning made me more hungry than usual and I ended up eating more. A glass of regular water or tea does not have this effect in my experience.

3. Not very tasty.

Plain lemon water is in my opinion not particularly tasty. Adding ginger or mint does help though.

For these reasons I stopped taking lemon water in the morning. But everyone is different, the fact that it didn’t work for me, does not mean it could not work for you.

Tips for safe consumption

Lemon water is acidic, and because of that it could damage your teeth, and irritate you mouth and throat. This is true especially if you consume it often or in high amounts. 

Here are some tips that should help you consume lemon water safely:

  • It is recommended to drink lemon water through a straw, especially if consumed frequently. Otherwise you risk doing damage to your teeth from the acidity of the water.

  • To help protect your teeth from the acid, rinse your mouth after drinking lemon water.

  • Consume in moderation.

Safety and side-effects

Drinking lemon water is generally considered safe for most people. However, it does have some potential side-effects, including:

  • acid reflux

  • irritated gums

  • irritated lips

  • unusual taste in mouth

  • sore throat

  • tooth erosion

  • indigestion

  • throat burns

  • stomach pain

  • itchy skin

  • diuretic effects

There may be other side-effects not included in this list.

In addition to that, lemon water, especially when consumed in high amounts, may not be suitable for people with certain conditions, and it may interact with certain supplements or drugs.

How to make lemon water taste better?

A lot of people drink lemon water, because it makes water taste better. But as I mentioned above, I personally did not find lemon water particularly tasty. 

So if you have that problem too, here are a few ways to make your lemon water taste better:

  • add some fresh mint leaves

  • add a few slices of fresh ginger

  • add a sprinkle of turmeric

  • add a few slices of cucumber

How to make lemon water for "weight loss"?

If the post above did not discourage you and you are curious to try lemon water for weight loss, here is a quick and easy recipe for lemon water:


1 cup (of lukewarm) water

1-2 slices of lemon (or about 1-2 tsp lemon juice)

other optional ingredients (mint leaves, ginger slices, cucumber, or turmeric)


  1. Take a cup with (preferably lukewarm) water.

  2. Squeeze the slices of lemon juice into the water. If using lemons that have not been treated with pesticides or other chemicals, you can add the whole slice of lemon in your glass.

  3. If you want to, you can add any of the other optional ingredients in the water too.

  4. Stir and drink.

Feel free to adjust this recipe to your preferences.


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