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How to get rid of nasolabial folds – Naturally no fillers

Nasolabial are the skin creases that start on the side of your nose and go all the way to the corner of your mouth. They are also known as smile lines or laugh lines, because they usually become more pronounced when you smile. If you want to know how you can get rid of your nasolabial folds without using fillers, read on.

Why do nasolabial folds appear?

With age, the nasolabial folds become more pronounced, even when we are not smiling. This usually happens around the age of 30. But they can also appear on young people if they are genetically predisposed or have other bad habits that ruin their skin. What makes this problem even worse, is that these smile lines are barely hidden by makeup. Attempts to get rid of nasolabial folds by using fillers can result in asymmetry in the face.

There are several reasons why these smile lines appear as we age:

  1. Loss of collagen in the skin

  2. Loss of skin elasticity

  3. Sagging of facial fat, particularly of the cheeks

  4. Loss of bone density in the face

Also weight gain can cause nasolabial folds. Whether or not your nasolabial folds will go away after weight loss, depends on your age and the elasticity of your skin. But there are things you can do that can help your nasolabial folds go away. If you don’t want invasive treatments, you can use massage, hyaluronic acid, retinol creams, silicon patches and other facial treatments to get rid of your nasolabial folds. The big advantage of these treatments over the standard more invasive procedures is that they work by improving the firmness and hydration of your skin. Because of this they give a natural result and are usually also more affordable.

1. Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is one of the best ingredients when it comes to getting rid of wrinkles and fine lines. It naturally occurs in the skin, but as we age its natural concentration in the skin decreases. [1] You can choose whatever product with hyaluronic acid you like and apply it under your regular moisturiser.

  • For best results apply it on the skin while it is still damp. This way you maximise its hydrating effect.

  • After you use a serum containing hyaluronic acid, make sure to apply a cream on top to lock in the moisture.

2. Topical vitamin A

There are many kinds of topical vitamin A, like Tretinoin, Adapalene and many others that are less famous. Consistent use of retinoids can boost the collagen production and can have many anti-ageing effects. [2]

  • If you decide to use topical vitamin A to get rid of your smile lines, remember that you have to be very patient. Retinoids can be very effective against skin ageing. But it takes a lot of time and consistency before you see actual results.

  • When you use retinoids on your skin, it is important to use sunscreen during the day.

  • Sometimes retinoids can have side effects such as dryness, irritation and peeling of the skin. To prevent that, it is best to start very carefully applying them only once every other day.

3. Silicon patches

There are many different brands of silicone patches out there. They can contain many different active ingredients. Usually these patches really help with hydration of the skin. Hydration can help smoothen the wrinkles around your mouth. These patches can also help to prevent you from making movements that make the smile lines worse. You could wear them for a few hours while working on the computer or watching TV. Soften nasolabial folds

  • For best results, wear them overnight.

  • If your sleeping position is making the nasolabial folds worse, these patches can help you become more aware of the problem and remind you to change your sleeping position.

4. Massage and facial exercise

Massage can improve the blood flow and with that help revitalise your skin and the tissues underneath. It can also help push the fat on your cheeks back in place. The best thing about massage and facial exercises is: they are free. You can do these whenever you want and you don’t have to pay for them.

  • When massaging your face, always keep in mind to use an oil or a rich cream. Otherwise you could damage your skin.

  • Consistency is key, it will probably take weeks before you see results.

If you are looking for a good facial massage against nasolabial folds that you can easily do at home, check out this video:

5. Microcurrent treatments

If you don’t have the time for massage and facial exercises, try a microcurrent treatment. These treatments are said to have the ability to tighten your face muscles, like a workout. Also they are said to stimulate collagen in the skin. So they can function as a natural lift to make the skin firmer and prevent sagging. This can be a great way to prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds and to maintain your face muscles in good shape.

  • The downside of microcurrent treatments is that they can be very expensive.

  • To achieve best results you usually need more than one treatment.

  • These devices do not normally give a long-lasting effect. To maintain the results you have to use them regularly.

6. Sleep the right way

Getting enough sleep and sleeping the right way is essential when you want to prevent or get rid of smile lines.

Here are the most common signs that you sleeping position is causing your nasolabial folds:

  1. Your nasolabial folds are deeper in the morning.

  2. You have deeper wrinkles on one side of the face.

If you are a side or a stomach sleeper, there is a very high chance that you recognise these signs. If so, you could try a different pillow that supports your neck better and try to sleep more on your back.

7. Healthy habits

An unhealthy lifestyle can definitely affect the quality and the health of your skin. This can prematurely lead to deep smile lines, sagging of the skin, and wrinkles. Try to eliminate all bad habits that can contribute to skin ageing.

  • Avoid sun exposure without sunscreen. UV radiation can cause break down of collagen in the skin.

  • Stop smoking, or at least try. As you probably already know, smoking can ruin the firmness and elasticity your skin and cause wrinkles.

  • Try to exercise.

  • And last but not least, try to eat a balanced diet. As difficult as it may be, it is very important to stay away from sugary foods and add more veggies to your plate.

Wrap up

Preventing the occurrence of smile lines in the first place is much easier than getting rid of them once they are there. Especially, when you don’t want to use invasive cosmetic procedures. So even if your nasolabial folds are not very visible right now, try to follow the tips above and take good care of yourself.