Tea Bag vs. Loose Leaf Tea: The Great Debate


To bag, or not to bag, that is the question: Is loose leaf tea actually better than tea bags?

If you're a tea drinker, you've probably noticed that there are two main types of tea available: tea bags and loose leaf tea. While both are made from the same plant, there are significant differences between them that can impact the taste, quality, and overall tea-drinking experience. 

The difference between tea bags and loose leaf tea

Tea bags are usually produced from low-grade leaves that are fragmented into smaller pieces, while loose leaf tea typically comes from higher quality tea leaves.

Here are the main differences between tea bags and loose leaf tea:

  1. Microplastics content

  2. Leaf size and quality

  3. Flavour

  4. Surface area for steeping

  5. Caffeine content

  6. Brewing method

  7. Varieties available

  8. Health benefits

  9. Cost

  10. Environment


Tea Bags

Loose Leaf Tea


Pre-portioned tea in sachets

Loose tea leaves or buds


Often made from lower quality leaves

Higher quality leaves


Simple flavour profile

Complex and nuanced flavour

Brewing method

Quick and easy

Requires more time and attention


Limited variety of flavours

Wide range of flavors and blends



Can be more expensive


Some tea bags (not all) can release microplastics in your tea

The best way to avoid microplastics in your tea, but make sure your tea strainer is not made from plastic

1. Avoid microplastics in your tea

Some tea bags are made of paper or other biodegradable materials, but not all. There are many brands out there, who incorporate plastic in their tea bags.

That means that when you put them in hot water, those tea bags are likely going to release microplastics. So besides all the antioxidants and other beneficial compounds in your tea, you will be ingesting microplastics as well.

Using loose leaf tea instead of tea bags is an excellent way to avoid microplastics.

But be careful, some people use plastic tea strainers to strain their loose leaf tea. If you want to avoid microplastics, make sure to avoid not only plastic-containing teabags, but also plastic tea strainers.

2. Leaf size and quality

Tea bags are normally produced using low-quality tea particles referred to as “dust", that are inexpensive. On the other side, loose leaf tea is usually crafted from whole tea leaves of superior quality.

When the tea is in a teabag, it is difficult to see the actual leaves. Besides, the process of packaging the leaves into bags could crush them further. Because of this, manufacturers don't usually waste good quality tea leaves on tea bags.

3. Flavour

Tea from tea bags usually doesn't have the richest flavour. On the other hand, loose leaf tea tends to offer a much deeper and more layered flavour.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with brewing tea from tea bags. But if you're someone who truly wants to experience the taste and aroma of tea, you'll find loose leaf tea to be more delightful.

4. Surface area for steeping

Tea bags are usually packed tightly, which restricts the expansion of the tea leaves during steeping and limits the release of flavour. In contrast, loose leaf teas are given ample room to expand and brew. This leads to a better extraction of the natural flavour from the leaves.

5. Caffeine content

Since loose leaf teas are composed of higher quality tea leaves, they may require extra steeping time. On the other hand, the tea leaves that tea bags are made with, are broken into so many pieces that the extraction goes much faster. 

With tea bags, you need less brewing time to achieve the same amount of caffeine in your tea. For some people this is a feature, for others it is something to avoid.

6. Brewing method

Here is why tea bags are so popular: they are easy and convenient. With tea bags, all you really need is a mug and hot water. Preparing loose leaf tea is a bit more intimidating.

If you choose a paper tea filter, you do run into one of the problems associated with tea bags - namely your tea leaves will be packed tightly in the filter. So your tea will not have much space to expand and release its flavour.

Personally, I only make loose leaf tea when I prepare a whole teapot. For just a cup of tea, I prefer the convenience of teabags.

7. Choice

Although we have a large variety of tea in teabags available, the options for loose leaf tea are even more. 

With loose leaf tea, you have access to an unparalleled range of flavours and blends, each with their own unique qualities and characteristics. There are many small specialty shops, that sell their own tea blends.

This offers a world of possibilities to explore and enjoy. But even though it is more limited, tea bags also offer a wide range of flavours. 

So depending on your personal taste and whether you have the energy to explore or not, teabags could be the right option for you.

8. Benefits of tea bags vs loose leaf tea

Tea has many potential benefits for your health. Since loose tea leaves tend to be of higher quality, people often think this tea is better for your health. But there is not enough scientific evidence to support this claim. 

Even though the size of tea leaves influences the taste and flavour, and therefore it makes sense it will affect the extraction of antioxidants as well, there is not enough scientific evidence to prove this.

9. Cost

When it comes to price, tea bags are generally cheaper than loose leaf tea. This is largely due to the lower quality of the tea used. Besides, the process of producing tea bags is often more efficient and automated, which can help to keep the cost down.

On the other hand, according to tea connoisseurs loose leaf tea offers better value for your money if you take into account quality and flavour. 

If you want to drink loose leaf tea, but want to keep the costs down, don’t forget it can be brewed multiple times. This can help to stretch your tea budget further.

10. Is loose leaf tea better for the environment?

Yes, loose leaf tea involves minimal packaging and is therefore better for the environment compared to tea bags.

Why is loose leaf tea more expensive?

Loose leaf tea is often more expensive than tea bags because it is made from higher quality tea leaves, which are carefully hand-picked and processed. Tea bags on the other hand, are often made from lower quality tea dust and fannings. As a result, loose leaf tea is very aromatic, while tea bags tend to be quite flavourless.

So, to wrap up, loose-leaf tea is often more expensive, because of its:

  • Quality: Loose-leaf tea is typically made from the finest tea leaves, which are picked by hand and carefully processed to ensure maximum freshness and flavour.

  • Freshness: Loose leaf tea is often sold fresher than the tea from teabags.

  • Aroma: Loose-leaf tea also retains more of its natural aroma, which adds to its overall value.

While the initial cost of loose-leaf tea may be higher than tea bags, it ultimately provides a more enjoyable and beneficial tea-drinking experience.

Pros and cons of loose leaf tea vs tea bags

To summarise, here are the pros and cons of loose leaf tea and tea bags:


Tea Bags

Loose Leaf Tea


Convenient and easy to use

High quality tea leaves and more flavour


Less expensive

More varieties to choose from


Pre-portioned for consistent brewing

Can be brewed multiple times


Often made from lower quality tea leaves

Requires more time and effort to brew


Limited variety of flavors

Can be more expensive than tea bags


Less flavour

May require special equipment to brew

Pros of tea bags:

  • Easy and fast to prepare

  • Easily available

  • Cheaper

Cons of tea bags:

  • Less flavour

  • More limited options

Pros of loose leaf tea:

  • More flavour

  • Best quality

  • More varieties to choose from

Cons of loose leaf tea:

  • More expensive

  • Takes more effort to prepare

How much loose leaf tea equals one tea bag?

One tea bag usually contains between 1.5 and 3 gram of tea leaves - this is around half a teaspoon.

Key takeaways: 

  • Tea bags are often more convenient and less expensive than loose leaf tea, but may be made from lower quality tea leaves and offer a more uniform flavour profile.

  • Loose leaf tea is often of higher quality and offers a more complex and nuanced flavour, but requires more time and effort to brew.

  • The quality and flavour of your tea depends on many factors, including the quality of the tea leaves, the brewing method, and the water temperature.

  • Be careful, as some tea bags could release microplastics in your tea!

  • Whether you prefer the convenience of tea bags or the complexity of loose leaf tea, is a matter of personal choice. Now that you have the knowledge, you can make the best choice for yourself!

The choice between tea bags and loose leaf tea ultimately depends on your personal preferences and priorities. Whether you value convenience, affordability, quality, or flavour, there is a type of tea that will suit your needs.


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