Honeybush Tea: The Golden Brew


Honeybush tea is a popular herbal tea that is native to South Africa. It is made from the leaves of the honeybush plant, which is a close relative of rooibos. The tea smells very sweet, even though it is naturally sugar-free. So it could be instrumental if you want to reduce your sugar intake.

Why is it called honeybush?

The flowers of honeybush are said to smell of honey - that’s why the plant is called honeybush. The flavour of the tea resembles that of rooibos, but is slightly sweeter. 

In some rural areas in South Africa, in the past, people used to brew a pot of honeybush tea and let it simmer on the stove, to fill the house with its aroma. Unlike regular tea from the Camellia sinensis plant, honeybush tea does not turn bitter when steeped for too long.

When you have a sweet tooth and want to reduce your sugar intake

Even though honeybush tea is naturally sugar-free, it has a sweet and fruity aroma that is reminiscent of honey. Its sweetness makes it a great alternative to sugary drinks, and it can be enjoyed both hot and cold. 

By drinking honeybush tea instead of sugary drinks, can help lower the inflammation in your body and satisfy sugar cravings, while also exploiting the numerous health benefits that honeybush has to offer.

Honeybush tea nutrition facts

Honeybush is a source of iron, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and sodium (1). Here is a table with the nutritional content of one cup (240 ml) of plain honeybush tea:


Amount per 240 ml tea



Total Sugars

0 g

Total Carbohydrate

0 g

Total Fat

0 g


0 g

Dietary Fiber

0 g


1.5 mg


0.11 mg


0.015 mg


0.3 mg


0.01 mg


0.01 mg

Also, honeybush has very low tannin levels and is naturally caffeine-free.

Caffeine content

Honeybush tea is naturally caffeine-free and can de consumed before going to bed. This is  because unlike traditional tea from the Camellia sinensis plant, the honeybush plant does not contain caffeine. 

As a result, honeybush tea can be a great alternative to traditional teas or coffee, particularly in the afternoon or evening when you want to avoid the stimulating effects of caffeine.


Honeybush tea is native to the Eastern and Western Cape provinces of South Africa. Indigenous people in these areas would often brew honeybush leaves in hot water to make a soothing tea that was believed to have health benefits. 

Honeybush flowers contain Luteolin, a natural yellow pigment. So historically, honeybush flowers were often used as a dye. 

It wasn't until the early 20th century that honeybush tea gained wider popularity in South Africa and beyond. Today, the tea is enjoyed all over the world, where it has gained a reputation as a flavourful and healthy alternative to traditional teas and coffee.

What does honeybush tea taste like?

Honeybush tea has a sweet and fruity flavour with a honey-like aroma, which is also why it's called honeybush. The flavour of the tea is often compared to that of rooibos, but with a slightly sweeter taste. 

The sweetness of honeybush tea makes it a popular choice for those who prefer their beverages without added sweeteners.

Does honeybush tea make you sleepy?

Honeybush tea is naturally caffeine-free, so it will not disturb your sleep. In addition it also contains some antioxidants and phytochemicals that may have a calming effect on the body. 

As a result, some people may find that drinking honeybush tea before bed can help them relax and promote better sleep. But note that individual responses to the tea may vary, and it may not have the same effects for everyone.


Honeybush tea is not only delicious but also provides numerous potential health benefits.



Rich in antioxidants

Can help protect against cellular damage

Naturally caffeine-free

A great alternative to caffeinated beverages


May help reduce the risk of chronic diseases


Can help boost the immune system and prevent infections

Low in calories

A healthy alternative to sugary drinks

Rich in minerals

Contains important minerals like iron, potassium, and calcium

Digestive benefits

May help improve digestion and relieve discomfort

Calming effect

Can promote relaxation and reduce stress

  1. The tea is naturally caffeine-free and contains high levels of antioxidants, which can help protect the body against cellular damage caused by free radicals. 

  2. Some studies have shown that honeybush tea may also have anti-inflammatory properties, which could help reduce the risk of some diseases. 

  3. Additionally, the tea has some antimicrobial effects, which could help boost the immune system and prevent infections. 

  4. It is also a good source of minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. 

Side effects

Honeybush tea is generally considered safe to consume, and there are no known adverse side effects associated with its consumption. To avoid unexpected side effects, make sure to drink honeybush tea in moderation.

It is possible, that some individuals may have an allergic reaction or experience discomfort after consuming the tea. 

If you are pregnant or have any pre-existing medical conditions, it is recommended consult with a healthcare provider.

Is honeybush tea the same as rooibos tea?

People often mistake honeybush for its famous relative rooibos. But the truth is that they are different plants and honeybush tea is definitely not the same as rooibos tea. Honeybush has a sweeter flavour and a more floral aroma, compared to rooibos.

Here are the main differences and similarities between honeybush tea and rooibos tea:


Honeybush Tea

Rooibos Tea


Honeybush plant

Rooibos plant


Sweet, fruity, honey-like

Sweet, nutty, earthy


Honey-like, floral

Nutty, vanilla-like








South Africa

South Africa

Growing Region

Eastern and Western Cape provinces, Lesotho, Swaziland

Western Cape province


Steep in hot water for several minutes

Steep in hot water for several minutes

Potential Health Benefits

Reduce inflammation, promote heart health, and more

Reduce inflammation, promote heart health, and more

How to prepare

To prepare honeybush tea, you'll need a few simple items, including honeybush tea leaves, a teapot, and boiling water. Here is a simple, step by step recipe:


  • 1 tsp honeybush tea leaves

  • 1 large cup of water


1. Bring water to a boil.

2. Add the honeybush tea leaves to your teapot or mug. You need about 1 tsp of tea per cup of tea.

3. Pour the boiling water over the leaves and let it steep for 5-10 minutes.

4. Strain the tea before serving to remove any leaves or particles.

5. Enjoy!

Feel free to adjust the steeping time and water temperature, to your taste.

Wrap up

  • Overall, honeybush tea is a healthy and delicious beverage that can provide numerous health benefits.


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